should know that I will never get fat
should know that if I ever choose to live in another country, it’ll be Costa
Rica because they made peace with their neighbour countries and don’t have any
should know that I don’t add people I don’t know on facebook
should know that jelly’s good for your joints
should know that I hate Pilates; it’s pointless to strengthen your muscle without
You should realize that I can’t go out with a guy who likes
« slutty girls page » on Facebook
You should know that the world’s most
expensive cloth comes from vicuñas, which is the world’s most expensive wool.
In order to kick it up a notch, the Scabal Company has also woven gold
throughout the cloth to make it the very most expensive cloth in the world
You should know this Cloth is available for $1,775 per yard or $5,759 per meter
You should know this Cloth is available for $1,775 per yard or $5,759 per meter
should know that Benedetta Bruzziches’ bags are made with vintage
fabrics that are unique to high-end designers like Lanvin, Chloe and Dior
You should follow
“Madmozél” every Monday in “L’Orient le Jour” page “Ici et Ailleurs”
should know that
the worlds oldest dress dates back to 2400BC
You should know that this Egyptian dress is a simple creation of pleated linen that was recently restored and displayed in the Petrie Museum, London. Also this dress was granted 4.9 million British pounds to secure its future
You should know that this Egyptian dress is a simple creation of pleated linen that was recently restored and displayed in the Petrie Museum, London. Also this dress was granted 4.9 million British pounds to secure its future
should know that Coco Chanel lived at the glitzy Ritz hotel in Paris
for over 35 years despite having a private apartment on Rue Cambon. Strict
orders were given to spray her signature perfume, Chanel N°5, before she
should know that Edison was scared of darkness
should discern the
real difference between intelligence and I.Q.
should know that a cockroach could live headless for 9 days then die from
should know that the benefits of laughing are countless. It boosts
immunity, relieves stress, relaxes muscles, works out abdominal and facial
muscles and improves alertness, creativity, and memory
should know Vogue
magazine was first published in 1892. Back then, it focused on an array of
subjects, including dogs, which the editor at the time was very passionate
You should visit
me on Sundays when I DJ at Bread Republic Hamra
You should know that is the number of book pages you can
put on a one small 3Tera shining plate in a new hard drive; That's 1200
Million pages; That's maybe 6 Million books
You should know that polar bears are deaf
You should know almost all yoga teachers are people with issues
should know that 37% of the population are visual learners
should know that elephants couldn’t jump
should know that the tongue is the strongest muscle in the human body
should know that crocodiles couldn’t pull their tongue
should know that no body knows why the scream of the duck is echoless
should know that lions can copulate more that fifty times a day
You should appreciate Oscar Wilde’s quote:
"One should either be a work of art, or wear a work
of art"
You should always remember that “I can do magic”
You should tell I’m waiting for a miracle
You’ll sleep a little less (…) tonight
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